Connect - Membership

Become a Member at Taylors

Taylors Become a Member 2
— Getting Started —

How to Join Taylors First Baptist Church

You can join Taylors FBC at the conclusion of any of the following events…

  • Lunch with the Staff
  • Starting Point
  • Sunday Worship — Come down front or to the Guest Services Desk

We invite you to share your testimony with a worship counselor or minister and complete a membership card.

Taylors Become a Member 3
Taylors Children 3
— We're a Family —

Why Join the Church?

God created us for relationship – relationship with Himself and relationship with other believers. In the New Testament, Jesus’ followers went from town-to-town and always sought a group of believers with whom to identify in biblical community. When you join a church, you are saying, “I belong here…this is my family.”
— It's Biblical —

Joining A Church

According to Romans 12:4-5, “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”

When one joins a church, a sense of belonging results as we use our spiritual gifts together in order to build up the body of Christ and to bring glory to God. Church membership also provides accountability as we walk alongside one another encouraging each other to be the people God desires us to be. When a brother or sister in Christ stumbles, we are there to encourage and restore.

Becoming a church member also enables one to serve within the fellowship.

When you become a member of our body at Taylors, you are committing to follow the teachings of our church, have embraced our mission and values, and are coming under the trust and service of our church leadership – both the lay and ministerial team.

Joining our church says, “I commit to use my spiritual gifts to be a part of what God is doing here in this mighty work.”

Corinthians 12:7,11 says, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good…All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”

The New Testament church is made up of baptized believers who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. If you have never accepted His forgiveness for your sins, trusted Him alone for salvation, and committed yourself to follow His will for your life, will you consider it today?

At the close of each of our services, we have an “invitation” time. During this time we invite you to share your testimony and request church membership with our staff or trained counselors. We accept members…

  • By public profession of faith and believer’s baptism by immersion.
  • By statement: you have previously made a faith commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior and have already followed Him in baptism by immersion.
  • By statement and pending baptism: you have previously made a faith commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior and now wish to follow Him in baptism by immersion.
  • By letter of transfer of your membership from a Baptist church of like faith and order.
  • By watch-care. Allows college students to come under the spiritual leadership of Taylors FBC while in the area and remain a member at their home church.

Questions about church membership? Contact Shianne Bujtor

— Contact Our Church —

Have a Question? Ready to Visit?

We are excited to meet you and come alongside you on your faith journey. Use the contact form below to ask any question about our church or worship services. We are excited to meet you!