Taylors Men 2
— Taylors Men —

Equipping men to Honor God in their personal life, home life, workplace and church.

2 Timothy 2:2 says, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also."

Our heart for Taylors Men is for men from all walks of life to come together to deepen their faith, strengthen their relationships, and serve the Lord in a more meaningful way. By doing this, our ultimate goal is to be a testament to the powerful work of the Holy Spirit among us. Our men's ministry at Taylors FBC strives to empower men to elevate Jesus' name and positively impact one another's lives. We believe that our efforts, rooted in Christ, will create a lasting impact on our members, families, and community.

Our Framework of Mens Ministry

  1. Biblical Manhood
  2. Biblical Husband
  3. Biblical Fatherhood

    Our activities, events, and studies cover one if not all three of these areas. Our desire is to host quarterly events that will encourage men in our church and community to be men of action, and make great the name of Jesus in all aspects of their life.

    Taylors Men is for all men, of all ages, in all life stages – students, college students, young professionals, newly married, men with children, empty nesters, divorcees, widowers, and retirees. We seek to study the Bible faithfully, active in our church body, engaged in our community, and encounter the Living God through worship and the Word. All to the Glory of God!

    Taylors Children 3
    Orange Dots
    — Prepare to Join us —

    Our Goals


    Know God and Worship Him

    Changed by Jesus — Transformed Heart


    Grow in maturity and unity

    Walking with Jesus — Transformed Mind, Affections, Will, and Relationships


    Fulfill the Mission of God

    • Sent by Jesus — Transformed Purpose
    — 2024 —

    Join us this year!


    Read Through the Bible

    Join us as we start 2024 in God’s Word together.

    God’s Word equips us as believers in every aspect of life: manhood, marriage, fatherhood, work, and leisure. As we read the Bible together this year, we will spur each other on and grow in a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Download the plan here!

    When you sign up, you'll receive email reminders and challenges. Invite other men in your Life Group to register as well. Let’s charge into 2024 as active participants and not passive observers.

    Sign up !

    Raising Men Not Boys

    Sundays at 6:00 pm Beginning January 21

    Dads, Taylors Men Ministry is excited to offer a study on Godly Fatherhood.

    Join us for our Sunday night Men's Ministry Breakout as we read and discuss the book Raising Men, Not Boys by Mike Fabarez. We will be challenged and encouraged to raise godly men in a godless world. 

    Sign up !

    Upcoming Events

    Men’s Retreat at Camp McCall: May 17-18

    Father/Son Camp: Camp McCall, May 30 - June 1

    Men's Event Sign Up
    — Get Connected —

    Upcoming Men Ministry Events

    — Our Team —

    Taylors Men

    — Minister of College and Young Adults —

    Alex Smith

    — About Our Church —

    Other Ministries

    Life Groups Square
    Life Groups Logo White
    Taylors Pre Academy Kindergarten
    Children Logo White
    Pre Academy Students
    Taylors Pre-Academy Logo White
    Taylors Reach
    Taylors Reach Logo White