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— Taylors Women —

Fall 2023

God speaks to us through His Word, intricately meeting the needs of each of His children throughout the grand narrative of Scripture while weaving us closer together as believers.  Our understanding of who God is grows stronger when we read Scripture and see how the gospel is woven from Genesis to Revelation.

Just like a basket is stronger as it is woven more tightly together, the church becomes stronger as we sew unity and pursue closeness with God and with each other. Similar to how the potter forms the vessel on the wheel, we are a basket being woven together for His use. Taylors Women invites you to join us this year as we grow stronger together through studying God's Word, spending time in fellowship, and being crafted into the likeness of our Savior.

Julie Caldwell, Taylors Women Team Leader

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Orange Dots

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— 2023 —

Fall Kick-Off!

— Bible Study —

Women on Wednesdays

All groups gather in the Fellowship Hall
9:00 - 9:30 am: Fellowship and morning kick-off
9:30 - 11:00 am: Groups break out for teaching time and discussion

We invite you to join us on Wednesday mornings to enjoy one of our studies offered this fall. All studies will begin in the Fellowship Hall as we invest in weaving relationships by spending time together over breakfast and kicking off our studies each week. You’ll have the opportunity to hear from the True View, spend time in worship, hear about mission projects in partnership with WMU, win giveaways, hear testimonies from ladies from our church, and spend time in prayer. At 9:30 am, you’ll head to your study of choice!


He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God

by Priscilla Shirer.
All ages & stages of life. Childcare provided. Cost: $10 per semester
Purchase book on your own before class begins.

A common question of many Christ followers is, "How can I know when God is speaking to me directly?" Priscilla Shirer uses the account of God speaking to Samuel to illustrate how He speaks to us today, how we can discern His voice, and how we can position ourselves to hear and respond. As we explore and practice spiritual disciplines that prepare us to hear from God, we expect to come to know Him more fully and learn to walk in obedience according to His Word.

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Mom to Mom

"Real Mom Life" by Linda Anderson
Moms of preschool and elementary-age children!  Childcare provided. Cost: $25 for year, book included. Scholarships available.

In our ever-changing world, do you wonder what the truth really is?  If you’re a young mom looking for a place where you can connect with other moms and learn to understand God’s design for motherhood, join us for Real Mom Life, a study that intertwines godly truth to guide you as you grow in the likeness of Christ and care for your family. Our study this year will give us a look at “real life” situations and how to address them from a biblical view, while our “Mentor Moms” will come alongside to share their wisdom and life experiences. This study will broaden your understanding and help answer questions for today as we reflect on the unchanging truth of Scripture together!

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Mom Set Free

by Jeanie Cunnion
For moms in any stage of life! Childcare provided. Cost: $10 per semester
Purchase book on your own before class begins.

We can agree that motherhood is not always easy! If you’re a mom that is feeling worried, fearful, angry, or ashamed due to the impossible standards we face as mothers, this Bible study is for you! In Moms Set Free, you will learn to study and apply Scripture in order to discover how the truth of the Gospel can free you to parent in God’s sovereignty. Through this peer-led study, we hope you will learn to step into your calling of motherhood, receive the Lord’s grace, trust Him with it all, and enjoy your children.

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— Bible Study —

Women at Night


Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

He Speaks to Me, Preparing to Hear from God, by Priscilla Shirer

Tuesday Night live in the Student Worship Room
All ages & stages of life. Childcare provided. Cost: $10
Purchase book on your own before class begins.
Can’t make Wednesday morning? Join us Tuesday night for the same enriching time spent in God’s Word while weaving community with other ladies.

Tuesday Night Virtual
All ages & stages of life. 7:00 pm. Zoom Meeting. Cost: none
Purchase book on your own before class begins.
Did you know Taylors Women offers a Virtual Bible Study? Enjoy the same intimate study of God’s Word and community with other women even if you can’t make it person. We would love to grow with you as we spend time in His Word and craft community with one another.

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Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Moms on Mission

Moms of all stages of life. First Wednesday Night of each month. Late stay childcare available!

Are you a busy mom feeling frazzled and frayed by the demands placed on your life? Do you have days where you literally feel like you’re hanging on by a thread? Moms on Mission is designed to help you connect with other moms in order to encourage each other and weave Scripture into every part of our lives as we fulfill the calling of motherhood and rest in the peace and joy available to us as daughters of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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— Community —

Rec'd Moms


A Ministry of Taylors Rec

For Moms with children five and under.
Every other Tuesday, 9:00 - 11:00 am

Bring your children for a time of constructive play and enjoy connecting with other moms over coffee, tea, and conversation. Each session will include new activities for moms and children.

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— A Reach Ministry —

Women's Missionary Union

This year, Taylors Women will be uniting with WMU in our mission project efforts. WMU leads women to pray for and learn about missions, to engage in mission action and witnessing, to participate in the work of the church and the Southern Baptist Convention, and to develop spiritually toward a missional lifestyle. For information about our WMU groups, contact the Reach Office.

Mission Minded Women

Meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:30 am in the Taylors Ministry Center with catered lunch after the meeting.

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Mission Doll Ministry

Meets every Monday from 2:00 - 5:30 pm in the Taylors Rec Center.
— Our Team —

Taylors Women Ministry Team

  • Julie Caldwell, Ministry Team Leader, Women’s Bible Study Leader/Tuesday Night
  • Paula Prince, Women’s Bible Study Leader/Wednesday Morning
  • Ingrid Huggins, Women’s Bible Study Leader/Virtual
  • Donna Davies, Ministry Team Leader to Preschool Moms, Wednesday Morning
  • Pam Tonnsen, Ministry Team Co-Leader to Preschool Moms, Wednesday Morning
  • Maria Hine, Ministry Team Secretary, Co-Leader Ministry to Moms at Night
  • Mallory Gilmore, Ministry Team Prayer Leader, Co-Leader, Bible study for Moms
  • Sara Bryan, Uplifting Events Team Leader
  • Shianne Bujtor, Women’s Ministry Assistant
  • Kathy Dority, Women’s Ministry Staff Liaison
— Get Connected —

Upcoming Women Ministry Events