Captivated 2023 was a blessing in so many ways! We kicked off the weekend with fellowship, games, worship and a wonderful message from Cyndi Thompson on what it means to be a godly woman. Listening to Cyndi share her testimony and the wisdom she has gained from the Lord throughout her life really ministered to my heart as I’m sure every other heart in the room. I know for me, it spurred me on to keep going, keep seeking the Lord, be eager to taste and see that He is good, listen for Him and know His voice. This means to be intentional with my time and grow deeper in intimacy with my Heavenly Father. Praise God for speaking through Cyndi!
The Saturday breakouts were on Testimony, Prayer, and Image Bearers. I believe those are three topics that will help these girls learn what it means to be a godly woman and how to put it into action. A friend of mine told me that we all have the same God sized Holy Spirit within us, it is never too early to grow in an intimate relationship with Jesus through prayer, sharing our testimony, and being a reflection of our Holy Father that is restored through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This generation is now and they are mirrors and lights in this world. We ended the weekend with karaoke! Every smile brought so much joy to my heart.
I am so grateful to have been a part of this event. God is good, He is faithful, and He is Sovereign. I believe He is working in the life of these students and it is a blessing to witness it. — Natalie Pace, Small Group Leader
Captivated 2023 was such a sweet time for us girls to be able to spend time with and encourage each other! This year we had the pleasure of being taught by Cyndi Thompson (my mom). In our sessions our main focus was on Colossians 3:3.“ For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Though it’s simple, she reminded us that we die to our earthly selves and live alive in Christ Jesus. Not only did we hear this great message, we got to split up into breakouts and dive deeper, such as testimony, prayer, and being an image bearer. Not to mention, the great worship, games, and food we got to enjoy. My favorite was the silent disco!! — Grace Thompson, 11th grade
I had the privilege of volunteering at the Captivated, a weekend focused on pouring into the young women students of our church.
Cyndi Thompson spoke on the characteristics of a godly woman and what it looks like to die to self and truly be alive in Jesus! She said, a godly woman “knows her Father’s voice” and that really resonated with me. She used the story of Mary Magdaline when Jesus appeared to her after his resurrection. She was so distracted and distraught that she didn’t recognize Him at first but then He said her name and she instantly knew His voice. It is so easy to get distracted and overwhelmed with all the chaos that surrounds us but we have to be able to discern His voice from the rest and it needs to be His Word that we listen for. It’s my prayer that it resonated with those young ladies as well. We then broke up into small groups and the girls were able to dive a little deeper into discussion.
In the Image Bearer of God breakout session, we spent the time in scripture discussing how vastly different God says we are to be versus what the world tells us to be. God designed each of us uniquely different with different gifts and talents and he has called us to reflect those aspects of God to others. What’s even better is that the closer we draw to Jesus; the more closely we reflect His image. Such rich teaching! — Heather Greene, Life Group Leader
This Captivated I learned the characteristics of a godly woman and how to be like one! It was such a fun weekend of fellowship and games and food. We got to have a Silent Disco which was a blast. We broke in to sessions and I got to learn about how to share your testimony. We also had a pancake breakfast, nacho bar, and a ton of desserts! Saturday we had karaoke where we got to go up on stage and sing in front of the whole group. I’m so thankful for our Taylors Students girls and all the women that helped make Captivated happen! — Macy Powell, 9th grade
Captivated was a fun learning experience for me. I was able to hear from Cyndi Thompson on how to be a godly woman, which I hadn’t heard much about before. Some of the characteristics she listed I hadn’t thought of, so it was very eye-opening. I also really enjoyed being together with other girls of different ages and pouring our hearts out to God in worship. Seeing all of us come together for one sole purpose is what I want to experience every day. — Rebekah DeMars, 12th grade