— Book Reviews —

Life Groups

Published Date: August 19, 2024

Equip members of Taylors FBC to grow in spiritual maturity.


Life transformation — every life being transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ Jesus.

  • Create environments where everyone has the opportunity to:
  • Hear the gospel in truth and fullness
  • Engage the Word of God together
  • Pray with and for one another 
  • Care for one another
  • Serve together 

5 Characteristics of a Healthy Life Group

Word of God — The Bible is our Life Group curriculum. Every Sunday morning/evening, our primary role is to lead our people to engage the Word of God in such a manner that they grow in their knowledge and understanding of who God is and His ways. We desire for people to behold the glory of the Lord through His Word each Sunday, that they might grow in His likeness and fulfill His mission!

Prayer — We not only engage the Word of God, but we pray the Word of God together! John Piper says, “Praying the Word means reading (or reciting) Scripture in a spirit of prayer and letting the meaning of the verses become our prayer and inspire our thoughts.” We pray for the lost and for one another!

Biblical Fellowship — Our times together are “spiritually intentional to sharpen one another while experiencing life together” (Pastoral Theology). The goal is spiritual development as each individual works together for the building up of one another! Writing in regards to Hebrews 10:24-25, David Mathis says, “A literal translation is: ‘Consider each other for love and good deeds.’ Know each other. Get close. Stay close. Go deep. And consider particular persons, and interact with them, such that you exhort and inspire them to love and good deeds specifically to their mix.” In these hard days, we need one another, to “exhort one another… that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:12,13).

Evangelism — Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and He has called His disciples to follow Him! He calls us to be fishers of men, His ambassadors! As Life Group leaders we are called not only to be His witnesses but to equip the saints to go and make disciples – Abide/Go/Share/Disciple.

Multiplication — We see God’s plan for multiplication throughout Scripture. Healthy disciples and churches multiply! As Life Group leaders we teach in a manner that equips the saints to pass on to others, not only what they have learned but how they have learned it. Our desire is to see multiplying disciple-makers, multiplying leaders – multiplying Life Groups. 

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