— Ministry Spotlight —

Developing Godly Men

Published Date: January 2, 2024

In 2024 we plan to invest in Taylors Men by providing regular opportunities for them to gather, learn, and grow. We believe that men can benefit greatly from the Word of God, from the wisdom and experience of other men who are walking in faith and living out their Christian values. Additionally, we will offer training, retreats and resources to help men of all ages develop as godly men through this framework: Man, Husband, Father. Every man may not be a husband, father, or grandfather, but they each can grow as a man after God’s own heart which would reach into every facet of their life. Through this we are anticipating seeing personal heart growth, stronger families, and gospel proclamation. 

Here are a few things coming ahead for men’s ministry:

More gatherings, events, discipleship opportunities, and studies will be added throughout 2024. Consider joining other men in Life Group and these great opportunities in 2024.

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