— Event Recap —

Ladies Latte Night

Published Date: March 11, 2024

“Ladies Latte Night was so much fun, catching up with friends and meeting new faces from all walks of life in our church. It was awesome seeing ladies of all ages chatting about life, faith and hearing from God’s word together from Shianne Bujtor while sipping on our lattes (or my hot chocolate!) Plus, crafting flower bouquets with close friends, with the help of Hannah Smith, was a fun bonus! Now, every morning, I love seeing that bouquet on my breakfast table, remembering the amazing community that God has brought into my life at our church!” — Olivia Stephens

“Ladies Latte Night was such a sweet time to gather in fellowship with one another to hear the Word brought to us by Shianne, make beautiful bouquets, eat yummy food, and drink some warm coffee. The Lord was so present in the words that Shianne shared from the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10. My heart found so much rest in the encouragement that Martha had a spiritual gift of hosting/serving and in that moment Jesus helped Martha to put her focus back on Him so her gift could be used rightly for His purpose. Mary stopped and immediately put herself at the feet of Jesus to hear Him and be truly in His presence, while Martha knew Jesus was there, but continued to work on her tasks at hand. I was reminded of moments in my life when I tend to want to get things checked off my list before coming to the Father instead of stopping everything to go even deeper into that relationship with Him that He desires with me. There was a wonderful reminder in the message that if we continually practice prayer, spend time in the Word/hide it in our heart, and are a part of a true/uplifting Biblical Community that it will be easier to keep our focus on the Lord and not have the “check list” bubble up to cause anxiety and be overwhelmed. How blessed we are to have a Father that is constantly available to us through prayer and His Word and who provides Biblical Community to us.” — Kinsey Garrick

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