— Book Reviews —

Summer Reading Suggestions

Published Date: June 19, 2023

Incomparable by Andrew Wilson

Incomparable explores sixty names and descriptions of our Creator. Each chapter is filled with profound Biblical insights and revelations that will inspire and enrich your faith. “Selah moments” allow for a time of reflection and worship. Practical applications connect each truth with your daily life. Throughout the book, Incomparable unfolds the greatest wonder our minds and hearts will ever contemplate.

The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How it Ends, and Everything That Happens in Between
by Gregory Koukl

This is a fascinating book on the importance of Christians having an accurate view of the world. Biblical Christianity is more than just another private religious view. It’s more than just a personal relationship with God or a source of moral teaching. Christianity is a picture of reality. It explains why the world is the way it is. When the pieces of this puzzle are properly assembled, we see the big picture clearly. Christianity is a true story of how the world began, why the world is the way it is, what role humans play in the drama, and how all the plot lines of the story are resolved in the end.

What is the Gospel? By Greg Gilbert

This resource provides a simple framework for better understanding God, humanity, and Jesus. It demonstrates how to articulate these pillars in a clear manner to others. Not only has it been used in Life Groups at Taylors FBC, but you will also hear Pastor Josh preaching from the same model.

Beginning with Paul’s systematic presentation of the gospel in Romans and moving through the sermons in Acts, Gilbert argues that the central structure of the gospel consists of four main subjects: God, man, Christ, and a response. The book carefully examines each and then explores the effects the gospel can have on individuals, churches, and the world. Both Christian and non-Christian readers will gain a clearer understanding of the gospel in this valuable resource.

Generous Justice by Tim Keller

If you’re looking for a resource to help you better understand the heart of God for broken and hurting people, look no further than Generous Justice by Tim Keller. This book helps establish a biblical foundation for responsibility and emphasizes the responsibility followers of Jesus have to seek justice and mercy in the world. In Luke 4:17-20, Jesus confirms that He was anointed to bring good news to the poor, bind up the broken-hearted, and comfort those who mourn. Keller beautifully weaves Old and New Testament together to help us see that “a true experience of the grace of Jesus Christ inevitably motivates a man or woman to seek justice in the world.” It’s a must read for everyone and a great way to help understand the “why” behind Love Taylors.

Better by Jen Wilkin

Through stories of Old Testament heroes and practices, the author of Hebrews demonstrates how Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every promise found in Scripture. Better is taught on video by gifted author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin, who will help us explore how God “provided something better for us” in the person of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 11:40). 

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Every story points to Jesus as our Savior. Children clearly see that Jesus is at the center of God’s great story of salvation.

New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

The hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and the scripture on which it is based, Lamentations 3:22-23, remind us that God’s faithfulness is expressed to us in the new mercies that we receive from Him on every single day that we live.

This favorite devotional book of our Worship Pastor, Kevin Baton, includes 365 one-page devotionals based on biblical truth applied to daily experience.  The entry for June 27 highlights the difference between amazement and faith. God doesn’t want to blow your mind; He wants to rule your heart.

A couple of questions related to corporate worship stick out to him:

  • You can be amazed by the wonderful biblical preaching and teaching that you hear and not be living by faith.
  • You can be amazed by the great worship music you participate in every Sunday and not be living by faith.

“God is not satisfied with the wonder of our minds. He will not relent until He has established His life-altering rule in our hearts.” God is working on each of us, as we allow Him, to mold us and change us into people consumed with Jesus, by grace through faith!

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