Olivia Stephens: Call to Missions
Through the years, I have felt the call of international missions on my heart, even as early as elementary school. As I grew older, I pushed that call to missions aside out of fear of the unknown. However, in just these past few months, I believe God has placed different people and situations in my life to turn my heart and mind back toward the call to missions, to the point where I could no longer ignore or suppress it. This has led me to turn to God’s Word more than ever, and I’ve never felt closer to Him than I do right now.
I believe we are all called to missions in some shape or form. We see this in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16–20): we are called to live life on mission. Wherever your feet are, that is your mission field. Some are called to stay, while others are called to go—whether nationally or even internationally.
As I’ve pursued the call to international missions, I have discovered great Bible studies that have helped guide me through Scripture, allowing me to understand God’s plan more clearly. In Revelation 7:9, we are reminded that God’s mission will be successful—we know how the story will end. But for now, the Church is called to be on mission with God, serving as faithful witnesses to His glory among all nations.
I don’t know exactly what this will look like for me in the long run, but God does, and I trust that His plans are far greater than anything I could come up with on my own. I know I need to be obedient to His call to missions, and I’m so grateful that He has placed me in a church that will come alongside me and help me navigate this journey.
Morgan Hester: Outreach Update
Church family, it is a pleasure of mine to share with you about how our weekly outreach efforts have impacted myself and the community near us. ‘Time in the Harvest’ is an intentionally designed opportunity to get out into our community for the sake of the gospel. We specifically focus on neighborhoods within a few miles of the church as we recognize the vast lostness in these areas. During this time our team seeks to glorify God through prayer, sharing the gospel, and loving our neighbor. We go into these communities expectant that the Lord will move, and he has proven faithful to us in that. We have seen a hunger for the gospel more and more as we go out each week.
I have been participating in these efforts since the summer. Even as the Lord works in the lives of those in these communities, he has done a work in me as well. I have been ultimately reminded that we serve a God of compassion and power. Matthew 22 clearly states where our priorities should fall. We are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Knowing God this intimately compels us to obey the second greatest commandment to love our neighbor as ourself. Seeing the faces of those whose homes I pass by weekly gives me a since of urgency. They deserve to hear the good news that brings eternal life. If I don’t make the effort to tell them, who will?
I encourage you to join us each week as we continue our efforts. If you have never shared the gospel, this is a great space for learning how to do so. Take time to consider how the gospel has changed your life. Who played a role in your journey to know Christ? How can you play a role in someone else’s story? Come help us make the name of Christ known!