— Ministry Spotlight —

David Massie Life Group

Published Date: June 18, 2024

Our Life Group is an eclectic gathering of people from a variety of places, different life stages and experiences, and representing a wide range of ages. Our members are a combination of newlyweds, long-time married couples, single individuals, and widowed men and women. Our group comes together to seek a Christ-centered life while navigating the difficulties of divorce, grief, remarriage, single parenting, singleness, and parenting young children and young adults. Balancing work life with home life and an ever-present busy schedule are only a few examples of the hurdles we strive to overcome by depending on the Lord. Every Sunday, we dig into God’s Word using the E3 method of asking questions for each passage of Scripture. In this way, we grow in faith, hope, and love for God! Our life group share their stories to encourage one another to rely on God and His Word as they try to see the greater purpose interwoven throughout each story. Our goal is for our class to become a space where empathy, understanding, and encouragement can thrive. As our members walk alongside each other in their respective journeys, our paths are often full of healing, growth, and transformation into the image of Jesus. We also love to serve God alongside other ministries, including Taylors Worship, Global Encounters, the Giving Closet, the Taylors Home Repair Ministry, and Guest Services and Deacons. If you would like to join us, our Life Group is located in Room B228 on Sunday mornings at 9:40 am.

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