“Over the weekend, I’ve learned to bear much fruit or more fruit, you must take time out of your day to spend time with God.” — Ansley Hine, 6th grade
“This weekend I learned that I should know more than just about God. I want to have a bigger, stronger relationship with my heavenly Father. I also learned that the production of fruit is the knowledge of God and the love for other people. One more thing I took away is the “withdraw” time. It helped me so much in my growing relationship with God. Thank you so much Taylors First Baptist staff for setting up this wonderful trip.” — Watson Pruden, 7th grade
“This weekend God showed me I can only find my value in Him and to make sure I listen for the still, small voice.” — Alice Lindblad, 8th grade
“This weekend I learned about the importance of quality withdraw. Quality withdraw time allows for a time to grow with God and for no distractions to get in the way.” — Nathan Moreno, 9th grade
“The Lord has taught me way more than I thought I was going to get out of this weekend. I have learned that I need to do things for God and only Him. I have learned that I need to listen to Him and His still, small voice. I have also learned that I can’t worship God with worshipping idols. I have idolized my sin, but I’m giving it up. Thank you, Jesus!” — Landen Pruden, 10th grade
“This weekend I feel my heart completely shifted for the better. I realized how good God is and what amazing people I have to help me in my walk as a Christian.” — Jay Caskey, 10th grade
“Don’t get so busy with making everything perfect for Jesus that you forget to sit at His feet. Jesus desires an intimate relationship with me and wants me to be as close to God as He is.” — Hope Hartsell, 11th grade
“This weekend God reminded me of the importance of focusing on Him and relationship with Him. At the end of the day, worldly things have nothing on an eternity with Him.” — Ellie Bryant, 12th grade
“This weekend I’ve learned that I should trust that my future is in God’s hands. I just need to lean back on Him.” — Parker Sullivan, 12th grade
“’The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’ What a joy the last 7 years of TSM have been. These times of retreat have been so special. This one will be so terribly hard to say goodbye to. What an amazing foundation the Lord has given TSM to build and grow upon. I love you all!” — Mark McKenna, 12th grade leader
“This weekend was such a special blessing to me. I was reminded that you make time for the things you love, which means Christ deserves my undivided attention. God taught me that I must put my rest in the one my heart was designed for. Coming away from this weekend my goal and desire is to see people the way God sees them.” — Brooke Crittendon, 7th grade leader