— Change the World for Jesus —

Update from Our Establish Network Resident

Published Date: January 22, 2024

Hello Taylors Family, my name is Hunter Clamp, and I am one of the Establish Residents here at Taylors FBC! I also serve on the Taylors FBC Facilities Team. The past three months have gone by very fast but I have learned so much. I began seminary this past August at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and I am currently enrolled in hybrid classes. This means I do most of my work online but also attend classes on campus one weekend out of the semester. I was able to go to the seminary and attend an Old Testament class this October which was a remarkable experience. I was able to meet fellow classmates and Dr. Scott Pace who is the provost of the seminary. I am definitely looking forward to going back to the campus in the spring!

Along with my classes, I was able to intern with Pastor Jeremy this semester. As one of my assignments, I had the opportunity to teach his Life Group during our Month of Impact in October. That experience had a profound effect on me. I am always thankful and eager to teach and that experience helped me connect further with many members of our church. Pastor Jeremy has taught me a lot about pastoral ministry as well as discipleship. I am very thankful for his leadership and all he has done for me over this semester.

The residency has opened up many doors for me and for that, I am forever grateful. I had the opportunity to attend the South Carolina Baptist Convention in November and meet numerous pastors throughout our great state. I have had many evangelistic opportunities within our community. I am thankful for my brother and fellow resident, Blake, for pushing me outside of my comfort zone when it comes to evangelism. I was able to attend “Teach. Reach. Beach.” which was a retreat for our college ministry. We went to Myrtle Beach for a weekend and shared the gospel on the campus of Coastal Carolina. Two CCU students gave their lives to Christ so that was a huge blessing! God is doing amazing things within our college ministry and I am happy that I can play a role in that too. I am very thankful for our Minister of College, Alex Smith, and his mentorship.

I am very excited to see what the Lord does next semester not only in my life but also in our church. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me and everyone who has guided me along the way. If someone told me a year ago that I would be able to have these unique opportunities I would have laughed. However, I have been constantly reminded of God’s faithfulness towards me during this new chapter of my life.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

Deo gratias

If you are interested in joining the Establish Network Residency at Taylors FBC, apply here.

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