Why worship?
Because we are commanded in scripture to worship! 1 Chronicles 16:29 says “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”
Is worship for us or for God?
The answer is both! God wants fellowship with us – He gave the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, His Son, in order to restore the relationship between God and man that was broken by sin. He delights in our praises. But worship is also for us. It helps us to gain perspective on life, to understand the greatness of God, and our need for Him. We were created to worship!
Why do we sing as part of worship?
Singing is an activity of worship that is found throughout the scriptures, especially in the Psalms. Repeatedly we are admonished to “Sing a new song to the Lord!” (Psalm 96). Singing involves breathing. Our voice is a creation of God. God put a book of songs right in the middle of our Bible, to help us express our heart to Him – our joy and our sorrow and everything in between.
Why do we read scripture together in worship?
Because God speaks to us through His Word, and we want to hear from Him, even before we sing our songs and pray our prayers. God is initiator of worship. We respond to His words in praise, thanksgiving, and joy.
Why do we have worship leaders?
We have people who are given gifts to teach, to lead, to share hospitality, to carry the Gospel, to care for the poor and needy. These leaders in our church use their gifts for the good of the Church and for the glory of God. The same is true for those who sing and play instruments and communicate through the tool of music. In the scriptures we find the tribe of Levi who were given the role of worship leadership in the Old Testament. Our singers, choirs, bands, and orchestra fulfill that same role at our church. They are not there to bring glory to themselves, but to point the people to God. The biggest “choir” at Taylors FBC is the congregation. One of our most important questions in evaluating worship services is, “did the people sing?” The worship leaders are there to prompt YOU to join in the worship of our AUDIENCE – The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Why do we have three different worship services on Sunday mornings?
While this may change in the future, we believe that for now the three different expressions of worship reflect the diversity of our multigenerational congregation, and give a space for everyone to express their worship in a familiar context. We also come together for special services and events to give regular focus to the unity of our congregation – unified not around a musical style or worship expression, but around the Lord and the vision He has given to us to change the world for Jesus.
How can you get involved in the Worship Ministry?
We have choirs for every age, from preschool through senior adults! If you love to sing, and want to learn to be a worshiper and a worship leader, come join us! No audition is necessary.
Kids’Music for Preschool and Elementary
Rehearsal: Wednesday, 6:30 pm
Contact: Diann Greer at dianng@taylorsfbc.org
Regeneration Student Choir
Rehearsal: Sunday, 5:00 pm
Contact: Diann Greer at dianng@taylorsfbc.org
Worship Choir for 11:00 am Service
Rehearsal: Wednesday, 6:15 pm
Contact: Diann Greer at dianng@taylorsfbc.org
Traditional Choir for 9:40 am Service
Rehearsal: Wednesday, 7:20 pm
Contact: Diann Greer at dianng@taylorsfbc.org
Legacy Choir for Senior Adults
Rehearsal: Tuesday, 1:00 pm
Contact: Diann Greer at dianng@taylorsfbc.org
Vocal Team
Audition/Interview Required
Contact: Scott Norman at scottn@taylorsfbc.org
If you have interest on the production side, from sound to lighting to video production to photography, or you’d like to learn, there is a place for you. We need 15-20 people every Sunday to serve in support of the worship services!
Media Team
Contact: Ira McCoy at iram@taylorsfbc.org
If you play an instrument, from guitars and drums, to orchestral instruments, we have a place for you!
Audition/Interview Required
Contact: Tad Riddle at tadr@taylorsfbc.org
Worship Band
Audition/Interview Required
Contact: Scott Norman at scottn@taylorsfbc.org
We need support in Student Worship, College Worship, and Kids Music as well.
Student and College Worship
Contact: Cameron at cameronb@taylorsfbc.org
Preschool and Elementary
Contact: Diann Greer at dianng@taylorsfbc.org
How can I deepen my worship encounter each week?
When you come to a worship service, enter into the experience with your whole heart. If the song is unfamiliar, read the words and meditate. If you know the song, join in singing! Read the word of God with both your head and your heart. Give attention to the preaching, and allow the Spirit of God to guide your thoughts. Pray fervently. Give your tithes and offerings as an act of worship.
In His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus said, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” In worship we must engage our minds with the truth of God, giving Him our attention and our focus as He speaks to us from His word. And we must also engage our hearts, our spirit, with the Spirit of God, offering our deepest affection and adoration to Him. We worship with our head and with our heart, in truth and in spirit. Learn to be a worshiper – to know God, to love God, and to praise Him for Who He is and for what He has done for us.
— Kevin Batson, Worship Pastor