— Change the World for Jesus —

Establish Network Internship

Published Date: January 21, 2025

Equipping and Sending multiplying leaders who abide in Christ, make disciples, and develop leaders to Establish the Church

The Internship is a leadership development ministry of Taylors First Baptist Church that provides college age young adults the opportunity to be actively involved in the ministry alongside faithful and experienced ministers. Young adults have the opportunity to serve within the Worship Ministry, Equip Ministries, and Reach Ministries. The goal is not only for each intern to grow in their ministry skills, but also in their character and call.

Learn more by reading below. Apply for summer or semester internships here!

  • College students between the ages of 19 and 23 who have completed their first year of college 
  • Regenerate, baptized, believer in Christ, and an active member of a local church body 
  • Seeking to grow in grace and maturity as a follower of Jesus 
  • Striving to maintain Christ-likeness in the areas of honesty, humility, sexual purity, and submission to authority. 
  • Affirms the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the vision and mission of Taylors FBC, and is willing to work in agreement with the policies outlined in the Taylors FBC Employee Manual and Internship Manual. 
Internship Core Values


We know that knowledge alone is not sufficient for training. Hands-on experience with evaluation and coaching is necessary for developing leaders. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to be actively involved in the ministry of Taylors FBC and receive evaluation and coaching from our faithful and experienced ministers. Our hope is that you will grow in your character, competency, and call!


We see God’s plan for multiplication throughout Scripture, and our goal is to equip leaders who multiply themselves. Therefore, we will use reproducible training methods and resources to motivate and equip you to be multiplying leaders. Our hope is that you will make disciples who make disciples! 


We do not seek to build our own kingdom but the kingdom of God. We will equip, develop, and deploy you with the hope and assurance that God has given Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth and has commissioned and empowered his people to go and make disciples among all peoples. With the vision of Revelation 5:9-14 and 7:9-10 before us, we will also prioritize and expose you to the work among the unengaged and underserved peoples within the highest concentrations of lostness in South Carolina, North America, and to the ends of the earth. Our hope is that you will be a part of building His kingdom among all peoples to the ends of the earth! 

Internship Goals


At the core of the Establish Network Internship is Abiding in Christ. Abiding in Christ creates the foundation for the character and competency needed to establish the church. Therefore, our first foundational goal is to equip you with the tools to abide in Christ through His Word, Prayer, and Fellowship. 


We will equip you to grow in your ministry skills so that you may be competent to make disciples, develop leaders, and establish the church. These skills will be gained through hands-on, meaningful ministry experience, personal coaching, and collaborative learning environments.


As disciples of Christ, we all have the responsibility to be his ambassadors and ministers of reconciliation where we live, work, and play. For some, God may also be leading you to a vocational ministry: minister, church planter, or missionary. Our hope is that during your time with us, God will continue to make His call clear and that you will be equipped to fulfill His call through the regular rhythms of your life and possibly through vocational ministry.

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