Every Life Transformed More and More into the Likeness of Christ Jesus
Our Life Group is a multi-generational class of caring people who benefit from the Bible teaching of David Laurine. The class was formed in 2008 and the name, the Link, was chosen to represent our being linked to God and to each other. A continuing goal of our Life Group is to be transformed by the Word of God so that we might grow more into the image of Jesus as we strive to impact the world for Him.
We enjoy meeting early each Sunday morning to visit before class begins, to share prayer requests with each other and to consider what God’s Word teaches us each week. Throughout the year, we have frequent socials at church or at various locations in the area. We love participating in different mission projects throughout the year and caring for one another in times of need through prayers, cards, visits and meals taken to the home of the member.
A special activity is our F3 groups – Food, Fun and Fellowship. Class members are divided into a number of small groups, each with a leader. The group chooses a date and place to meet once a quarter to eat together, get better acquainted and just have fun. We welcome new members of any age, in any stage of life, on Sundays at 8:30 am in Room C126.