God is worthy of the worship of all peoples! He has revealed Himself to us as the One who created and sustains all things, for His glory. The world exists for His glory! People exist for His glory! You exist for His glory! When we accept the reality that most people in our world today are living without a clear understanding of who God is, we will rightly understand our role in declaring His glory here and around the world. Psalm 96 reveals that God is worthy of our worship and our witness. The Reach Ministry at Taylors FBC exists to glorify God as we send disciples to make disciples of their neighbors and among all the nations because we believe the Bible is clear: Everyone who is saved is sent.
Reach Ministry Priorities
To maximize our impact, we must prioritize the right things! Here are some ways we’ve implemented our three priorities.
We trust God with the needs in the harvest. We pray in faith, asking Him to raise up more laborers. We ask Him to sustain and empower our partners as they serve. We ask Him to remove barriers and prepare many hearts to receive the seed of the Gospel and to bear much fruit for the glory of God.
Opportunities for Prayer
- Monthly Partner Updates given to the Life Groups
- Pray for Unreached and Unengaged People Groups — visit PrayASAP.org
- Click here to receive the weekly email with prayer requests for partners.
- Prayer For the Harvest: Meet in the Taylors Rec Center on Tuesdays at 7:00 am
Tuesday morning prayer is a time when we gather to pray for the great harvest – for those who have yet to come to faith in Christ. Jesus said to pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers into His harvest – and so we do! We begin with the Word of God, and let it guide us. It is a blessing to be there! — Dee Hopkins
We are committed to teaching and mentoring disciples in a missional lifestyle, so they too can make disciples who make disciples, sharing the Gospel with urgency and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Month of Impact: Over a month, we train Life Group members on how to share their faith using tools.
- Harvest Summit
- WMU: Meets the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
- Disciple Cycle: A 12-week study that focuses on how to be a disciple who makes disciples.
Like a spiritual Swiss Army knife, Disciple Cycle has provided tools for the Holy Spirit to call to mind when I’m sharing the gospel with others in various situations. It has given me clear and practical direction for helping new believers grow in their faith, which I’ve enjoyed teaching to my own children. Most importantly, Disciple Cycle has flamed a passion in my spirit to be more intentional in having gospel conversations with those who are near to me but far from God. — Caleb Mitchell
We tackle the crisis of lostness in cooperation with others. We believe that we can accomplish more together than we can alone, and we are pursuing Kingdom wins!
Opportunities for Time in the Harvest
- Share Sundays
Recently, several of us went out on “Share Sunday” into the Taylors community to prayer walk, deliver Easter service invitations, pray with community members and witness the Gospel message. It was a fruitful experience as we had the opportunity to go door to door meeting our neighbors and offering prayers for their specific needs. We were moved by the gracious reception we received and were able to witness and pray with many of our neighbors who have recently encountered significant family struggles or have ongoing difficult situations. It was a blessed time of “loving Taylors” and advancing the Gospel to our community neighbors! — Wiley Johnson
- Time in the Harvest: Thursdays, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Meet in the Church Office
By going out into the harvest we have begun to truly walk in the footsteps of Jesus. By seeking to share the Gospel we have also been given many opportunities to speak into the lives of fellow believers. This past week we were able to talk with a fellow sister in Christ who had been experiencing many personal struggles. We were able to talk and pray with her giving her much needed encouragement and fellowship. — Andrew King
It’s easy living here in the “Bible Belt” and being surrounded by Christian friends, etc. to lose sight of the enormity of the lostness that’s all around us. I’ve seen the reality that the chances that those that we see in the grocery stores, living in close proximity to us, etc. are more likely to be lost than to have a true relationship with Christ. We have an opportunity here within our church to be proactive in regard to engaging the lost population that’s all around us in an organized way. — David Pilkington
- Homework Club: Thursdays at Spring Grove Apartments
We may not all be called to a mission trip far away, but we can serve right here at home. After my first week at Homework Club, I knew God was working! Even in opening my eyes to the needs in this community. The first little girl I had was so precious and loved being helped. I got to talk to her about her life and even share Jesus with her. These children are starving for love and what a great place to start – telling/sharing God’s love for them, in their neighborhood. God sent His Son for ALL, not just the church attendees, but ALL people.
— Tonja Faulkenberry
- Village Wrench: First Saturday of each Month at Spring Grove Apartments
Participating in the monthly ministry of Village Wrench has been a blessing in so many ways. It is remarkable how something as simple as free bicycle repair has helped to build so many relational bridges, as well as lead to many gospel conversations with children and adults. I am very grateful for the open doors to pray with and witness to members of the community, made possible by the faithfulness of this ministry to this neighborhood. — Rick Wilson
- Reach trips: Taylors FBC partners in Los Angeles, New Hampshire, South Asia, and the Carolinas
We’ve had the privilege of being part of several Reach trips to different parts of the world and we have seen the spiritual darkness and lostness that exists today. But we have also seen how God is at work in bringing people out of that lostness to Himself. We are very grateful for the training and equipping that enables us to grow in our faith and vision for reaching the lost. — Larry and Carolyn Freshour
- Community Partners: Visit taylorsfbc.org/love-taylors to See our Partners